27 March 2013


A few recent paintings and the creative process.

The above painting is titled 'The Clearing', 30" x 40".  This is one of the few times I can point to a painting and say "that really came out effortlessly."  By 'effortlessly' I mean I knew exactly where to take the painting in each step regardless of what area I was working on, from the refined areas to the more expressive ones.   There can be plenty of toiling with a painting to get things to look 'right' to me; sections that are painted, repainted, fussed over, scratched off, and redesigned, until the 'right' combination of brushwork and subject appear. Those endeavors are certainly a part of the painting process.  This reworking builds a second narrative to a painting outside of the subject matter and often leads to unexpected results that can't be planned, ones that I learn so much from.  However, it is nice to be able to point to a painting that contains all of that underlying integrity and also unfolded so enjoyably.  

Thanks for checking in.

~ Josh