Distant Terrain
7" x 5"
Oil on Panel
It is amazing how paintings come together or in this case not, or really not very easily. This tiny piece is a culmination of a months effort off and on. Painting, letting it dry, repainting, wiping out parts that didn't work while keeping areas that I felt were resolved. It's based on a real statue, this type of imagery is present in many cultures, but is not a copy. The environment, the plinth it stands on, and the lion itself are all resolutions found while painting and not predetermined.
In saying this I think it has a quality I couldn't find if it was a direct interpretation of an actual object.
Also if anyone knows why the NEW blogger is absolutely crap for formatting, please let me know. Is it my machine? Can I utilize the older version? If anyone has an idea please drop me a line in the comments section. Or I might have to get rid of the blog or switch to another blogging program. Much thanks.