16 April 2008

Life's Not Still . . . .

More fruit 'portraits' . . . . I just got back from Bermuda and New York City, still getting into the swing of things.
I'll give a run down of what I saw and a little insight into the art that I checked out, talk about stimulating the brain, it was brilliant.

more more more soon.


Anonymous said...

Awesome paintings, so loose and close to abstraction, but still authentic colours, values and edges, a pleasure to look at :)
Are these done with a painting knife only?

Joshua Flint said...

Andy- thanks for leaving your thoughts on my blog, I really do like to hear all forms of feedback. As for your ?
No these aren't done strictly with a palette knife. I start with a brush to set the painting up in full color and value before I use a palette knife. Then I work back and forth between the two. Often I put down a lot of paint with the palette knife and work it around with a brush. So a variety of strokes, surfaces, and edges is what I am after. Check back for more and tell your other artist friends. I certainly like to look at a wide range of art.

Anonymous said...

I love what you've done to make these fruits actually come alive, yet remain still. They remind me a little of the sun's boiling/looping corona. You were able to maintain AND blur an object's edge without making mud of the subject. A variety of brush strokes is something I'd like to expand on in my own work and you've given me a lot to absorb here. Keep up the great work!